The Last of Us

The Last of Us is the most profitable game for content on YouTube

Anyone who has a video about “The Last of Us” on YouTube must be enjoying the success of the HBO Max series based on the game for PlayStation consoles and, according to a recent survey, the game was considered the most lucrative for content on Google’s video platform.

The research was carried out by the site Bonusninja (published by the Daily Mail newspaper) and found that videos of the game “The Last of Us” can earn up to 56 thousand dollars per hour of playthrough content (when the video shows the game being played by the creator). The views of the game’s videos can reach an average of 4,166,460 views on YouTube.

“The Last of Us” has the highest YouTube revenue potential among games

The Last of Us
Picture: Courtesy

The research on the Bonusninja website used data from the 20 most viewed videos of each of the most popular games on YouTube and, as a result, Naughty Dog’s title was consecrated as the game with the highest revenue potential on Google’s video platform.

The game, originally released in 2013 and exclusive to PlayStation consoles, surpassed other big industry hits such as “GTA V” and “Cyberpunk 2077”.

A spokesperson for Bonusninja commented on the survey result, stating:

“The earning potential behind YouTube has long been utilized as a revenue stream by content creators – but many might be surprised to find that video game playthroughs can earn thousands.

When games get an uptick in interest – due to TV adaptations like The Last of Us – it’s a great time for budding creators to start increasing their content output and capitalize on these newfound opportunities.

It just goes to show that it’s worth putting gaming content and reviews out there, particularly if you’re passionate about what you’re playing, as you could become a regular streamer.”

Oh hi there 👋

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