Solium Infernum

Solium Infernum is a deep and complex game, but a lot of fun with your friends

It’s not uncommon for strategy games, especially in the 4x genre such as Civilization or Age of Wonders, to be complex and difficult for newcomers to get to grips with. After all, you have to do a lot of management of your kingdom, your units, diplomacy with other players and all of this can be a bit overwhelming for those who are venturing into these games for the first time.

Solium Infernum is not an easy game to learn, but it has simple mechanics with a lot of depth. I’ll try my best to explain how the game works and my experience with it.

Diplomacy and the political game are the highlights of Solium Infernum

The story of Soilum Infernum consists of the fact that the throne of hell is empty and there are many who want to sit on it to reign. And here we come to political wrangling, intrigue and negotiations as your main weapon. You’ll need to forge alliances, betray and deceive other players when it’s most profitable, so always keep your eyes open, everyone here wants just one thing and that’s to win.

That’s why this game really shines when played against other people and especially if they’re your friends, after all, being in a call will make everything more interesting and fun, especially for a streamer who has friends willing to embody the character.

Solium Infernum

Patience is the key to gameplay

One of the biggest differences between Solium Infernum and other 4x games is that here, it’s a more meticulous game, where you need to think very carefully about your actions during the turn.

Here, each demon you choose has its own style of play, so some won’t be good in combat, but will be great manipulators of the economy and become just as dangerous as players with a large military force. Combine this with the possibility of customizing your initial benefits with relics, and you have a wide range of possibilities for players within your Eight Playable Demons.

Something very striking about its gameplay is that here, we use a system of orders for our choices of actions. Each round, one of the players is selected as the regent and their first order will be the first action, followed by the player to their right and so on, until all the orders created have been completed.

Solium Infernum

This adds depth and complexity to the fact that players need to think a lot about their own and their opponents’ moves, and how the current ruling player will influence their turn.

That’s why Solium Infernum is such a complete and complex game. And that was something that made it difficult for me to learn. Personally, I didn’t find the tutorial very functional: it’s slow and long. If it had been divided into sessions, explaining more about how the mechanics work, I might have understood the idea of the game better. I had to watch videos of people and even the developers playing the game to learn how to play, and that may put some people off.

Asynchronous mode is a very interesting novelty in online multiplayer

One of the big surprises in Solium Infernun was its Asynchronous mode. For those who don’t know, this is a way of playing online in which you can take, for example, just fifteen minutes out of your day to take your turn in disputes that will take up to weeks to complete, which is very helpful for players with very little time on their hands.

This system allows you to close the game and receive notifications when it’s your turn. Of course, for those who want more traditional experiences, the game has a unique online game mode with maps and customization of the match to be quick or longer, which is great for streamers to play with their audience or with friends.

Solium Infernum

In addition to the online mode, the game has a good amount of content for the solo player. There’s an AI mode and a chronicle mode for the Eight playable demons, each with their own challenges and serving as an experience guide on how to play with each of them.

Received and tested in its Steam version, Solium Infernum ran well on my machine, both live and off. But it still requires a certain amount of power for the game to run well with its beautiful 3D models.

The game is translated into a total of twelve languages, but I noticed, especially during the tutorial, some errors in its translation and command lines in the text in my native language, so this can be a bit of a hindrance to those who are learning. In my normal gameplay, I didn’t notice any such errors.

Solium Infernum

PC (2024)

Audience Engagement


Overall, Solium Infernum is an excellent remake of the classic 2009 game, bringing many new features, incredible art and a lot of potential within the genre. However, it has a longer learning curve and requires the streamer presenting the game to be willing to explain how it works and, if possible, to be accompanied by friends in order to provide a great live stream experience.



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