The Last Case of Benedict Fox

The Last Case of Benedict Fox: Changing our perceptions of Metroidvania games

When you hear of Metroidvania games, what do you think of them? Probably a fantasy world similar to Dead Cells, classic Castlevania games, or even Hollow Knight would be anyone’s first guess. The game The Last Case of Benedict Fox has come to exactly change our perceptions of this genre and the mentioned games; But has he succeeded in this?

The story of The Last Case of Benedict Fox

The first thing that catches your eye about the game is the murder case that introduces you to the story. Benedict Fox or Mr. Fox is the hero of our story. He is hired as a professional detective to solve a murder case. A story that, of course, does not end with this murder and ends with an underground world and supernatural events. On streams, you can tell your viewers about how this game is different to other games of this genre and the story is quite good in terms of keeping the audience engaged.

This is where The Last Case of Benedict Fox turns his biggest trump card. A thrilling setting of the 1930s, which is narrated in Boston, America, and on the one hand, it captures the mood of Noire America a hundred years ago and its detective theme, and parallelly, there’s a supernatural world with extraordinary events.

The Last Case of Benedict Fox
Picture: Courtesy

The thing that connects these two worlds is none other than Benedict’s companion, who turns this game from a normal Metroidvania into a special one – and of course it’s not so perfect.

This evil companion of Benedict actually has the role of a sidekick and helps with the storytelling at the same time, and in addition to explaining the situation from the surrounding events, you can also get various tips from him. So if you’re a newcomer in this genre and are afraid to have difficulty with the game, don’t worry, the devs got you!

Gameplay flaws

In The Last Case of Benedict Fox, you would probably connect with the story and atmosphere more than anything else. One thing that would probably make you frustrated with it, is the combat system and probably the controls of the game.

The developers seem to have a head with the player and have designed a series of game keys such as dodging on the right analog. Overall, Benedict Fox is not at the same level of the best Metroidvania games when it comes to the combat system, and if you consider yourself a fan of these games, you probably won’t connect with this game that much.

On the other hand, we are facing a work that does its job to induce the atmosphere and mood of the 30s of America in the best possible way. Benedict Fox is a well-made and beautiful game, and if we ignore the gameplay flaws and small points that make the game experience bitter for the player, it has a high replay value and can entertain you for hours.

The Last Case of Benedict Fox game is available for PC and Xbox consoles through Steam and Xbox Store.

The Last Case of Benedict Fox

PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series (2023)

Audience Engagement


The Last Case of Benedict Fox is a well-made and beautiful game, and if we ignore the gameplay flaws and small points that make the game experience bitter for the player, it has a high replay value and can entertain you for hours.


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