V Rising 1.0 is a dream for vampire survival fans

V rising 1.0 brings the vampire theme within the survival genre and it turned out to be very unique with its diverse gameplay and fun mechanics, which we’re going to explore in more depth now. Survival games have gained in prominence and popularity over the years and thanks to this we’ve had a wide variety of themes within the style of game, and V Rising definetly stood out.

V Rising 1.0 made being a creature of the night more fun than ever

You begin your adventure in V Rising 1.0 by creating your vampire character with a satisfying amount of customization, but I wish it were more varied. However, it is possible to create your avatar in a way that appeals to most players.

After that, you wake up in your crypt wearing only your body clothes and go exploring the area, defeating skeletons and learning the game’s combat and building mechanics with a very simple and functional tutorial, which doesn’t break the rhythm of the gameplay, which is something welcome, especially in modern games.

After leaving the starting area, we are taken to our world, where we can explore at will, full of dangers and secrets. In addition, we choose our first region of the map to build our castle, which will start out simple and then be transformed into a castle worthy of a vampire lord. 

Combat is frantic, fun and rewarding.

One of the highlights of V Rising 1.0 is its combat. There’s a good variety of weapons and powers, which are unlocked by defeating bosses that you can hunt around the world by following the scent of blood. Many are at fixed points, but some are wandering bosses that you’ll have to hunt down yourself.

There are also alternative forms of animal that can be unlocked, giving the player a huge range of abilities and increasing the customization of their way of playing. This is very appealing to anyone who streams the game, after all you’ll probably be playing differently from other streamers and this will make your gameplay more unique and appealing to your audience.

The gameplay, being top-down, allows the player to have a wide view of the scenery, which is very beautiful and diverse. Its main point is its shadow system – after all, we’re vampires here and we’re not big fans of the sun. So, when it’s morning, it’s ideal for the player to move in the shadows of trees, houses, rocks, etc.

Avoiding confrontations until nightfall, which also causes a certain urgency during boss fights, you don’t want to start a fight at night and stay there until dawn, making it much more difficult. This mechanic makes the game very unique within the survival genre and fits in very well with the game’s theme.

Its PVP mode is attractive for those looking for a challenge 

I focused more on its PVE mode and played cooperatively, but the game has a PVP mode on official or private servers, if the player prefers. You can attack other players around the world, invade their castles, steal their items and take advantage of the fact that they have defeated bosses to steal their powers without having to face them. Something that could attract a lot of attention from a public that likes competitiveness and tension.

Tested on its PC version, via steam. V Rising 1.0 works well within the requirements for your machine, which should be a little above average, but it doesn’t have to be a very powerful machine. The game is well optimized and runs better on an SSD than a hard drive to help with loading times. With 15 languages available, it’s a great attraction for any streamer and their audience to enjoy this adventure.


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V Rising 1.0 2024
  • Performance
  • Streamability
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