Splatoon 3: Nintendo’s colourful and fun mayhem
“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”, right? And with that thought in mind, Nintendo has released “Splatoon 3” one more instalment of the colourful and fun mayhem franchise.
And even with the similarities between the previous game (it is a franchise after all), “Splatoon 3” indeed comes with new features that helped to make the game’s entertainment of “painting turf” even better, dynamic and interesting.
It looks cute, but it is hectic
At a first glance, “Splatoon” may look like another cute game from Nintendo, but don’t be fooled: the battles here are frantic and in “Splatoon 3” they are even more dynamic, quick and exciting.
Of course, the objective is still to paint more turf on the map. Getting rid of the opponents, in this game, gives you a little bit of an advantage to paint more turf without any competition, because of the seconds lost to get back in the battle after an elimination. So it may be good to start paiting off the rival team too.
At the end, the player can get a little bit of tension during the results reveal, which can, for many many times, set the victory with a minimum difference between the two teams. It can make anyone really nervous while waiting.
Engage the audience

If compared to other games, “Splatoon” may not have a giant audience base, which can be a good thing to the streamer: the one who searches to watch a “Splatoon” live stream, may easily find your channel, as the competition for the audience is smaller than with other major games, such as “Fortnite” and “League of Legends”.
Really fun to the player, “Splatoon 3” may be also really fun for those watching. With electrifying battles with a lot of funny moments, this Nintendo game can get the attention of the audience for its strong colours and keep them involved by its frantic battles and tense results reveals.
Having open rooms to play with your channel’s audience may also be a good way to keep the public engaged on a “Splatoon 3” live stream.
A few others game modes, such as the history mode and the all-new “Table Turf Battle”, can also be good options to create good content and engage with your audience. Think about including the public on the decisions for the “Table Turf Battle” and also while choosing the clothing for the battles. The clothing here are a lot more than just visual, they also offer a few battle perks to consider while choosing.
The game requires a lot of skill with different kinds of weapons and stages. That’s the key to get well in these frantic battles and the audience can feel this colourful excitement through your live stream.
Splatoon 3: Colourful, fun and frantic

Just like every Nintendo game, “Splatton 3” delivers fun, either if it’s only you playing alone or with your audience. Because it is not a standard FPS (First Person Shooter), probably the public may find it a little strange or even childish (to be painting turf to win), but just as practically all players who start on “Splatoon”, the audience may also need a little time to realise that this game is not just about “painting turf”.
So get your paint ready, and start painting turf (and also eliminating the competition).
Splatoon 3
Splatoon 3 is a lot of fun (when you get to play it). Nintendo’s online servers are still struggling and dropping connection almost everytime. Happily we have offline modes, such as the story campaign, to engage with the audience and create content without depending on the online matches.
Available for Nintendo Switch.
Splatoon 3

Just another gamer guy…
Top site ,.. amazaing post ! Just keep the work on !