Remnant II: Lots of content and a well-established formula for a successful franchise

The sequel to an already established hit, Remnant II was a standout among so many good releases in 2023, mainly because of its combat combining the good elements of Souls-like games, especially when it comes to duels against bosses, and its weapon upgrade scale, despite the character statuses more geared towards an RPG system, where you can put together specific builds and use skills based on these traits.

Explore the world with friends

The game also tries to bring exploration focused on maps that change according to each gameplay and dungeons that change, which makes the replayability factor even bigger, as well as a multiplayer mode for up to 3 players, linking your own campaign with your friends’ campaign and being able to create multiple characters to take advantage of everything the game has to offer.

Because of this, it’s an option to consider for livestreams due to its variety of gameplay, the possibility of multiplayer with other people, even streamers from the community itself, and it’s a game that has a lot of content. However, the game repeats itself a lot in its formula, structure and gameplay and, as much as it can be fun for those playing because of its immersive exploration, it may not be attractive all the time for those watching.

Remnant II

Remnant II brings an establoshid formula, but with its own identity

Remnant II is based on an established formula, which works very well in both single and multiplayer gameplay, as well as having its own identity. The game does have some flaws, of course, such as an inconsistent difficulty curve, especially in the early and late parts of the game.

Because it’s a game that throws you into different worlds and, above all, makes you rely on a sense of exploration to find items that can be better or worse, your character building and skill evolution are fundamental, which makes the game unfriendly for those who are having their first experience with something like this.

For the rest, the progression is very fluid, interesting and fun, the different classes work as a way of thinking about the game and wanting to re-explore maps with the most diverse combinations of classes, as well as the possibility of multiplayer, which in my opinion could be included for 4 players but works very well in the formula conceived, as it doesn’t unbalance the game to the point of making it dull.

Remnant II

Its great highlight is actually getting to know and revisit various other points on the map in the multiplayer gameplay, where the game shines even brighter. Don’t get me wrong, the single-player is worthwhile, but the real brilliance of the game lies in the cooperation and in trying to understand parts of the game that you may have done on your own before, but that your friend hasn’t because in their previous completion the game offered them different dungeons and areas to explore.

The great zeal for multiplayers that have different elements in their formula, that bring back simple values, especially values of cooperation, sharing and mutual exploration, make Remnant II shine, especially in the simplicity of a combined gameplay, which is for me the main factor of interest in bringing the game to a live broadcast.

Content to keep you busy for days

In terms of content, not counting the huge replay factor and the different gameplay possibilities, I finished the game and also played the DLC The Awakened King in around 40 hours, combining solo and multiplayer gameplay.

By estimate, I’d put around 20 to 25 hours to complete the main campaign, without exploring the game in its entirety. And I certainly believe that the game has more than 40 hours of gameplay for the player to explore.

Remnant II is available on the Game Pass subscription service, which makes it easy to access. In terms of performance, the game doesn’t run perfectly on all computers due to the high requirements it demands, but within these limitations it runs reasonably, disregarding some performance problems mainly due to The Awakened King DLC.

Remnant II

PC, PS5, Xbox Series (2023)

Audience Engagement


Remnant II is one of the games with the highest content factor I’ve seen in 2023, it has a well-established formula and is a worthy sequel. It may not be the kind of game that will appeal to all audiences, but it’s a game that does multiplayer perfectly and is entertaining mainly because of its interactions with the world and other players. Despite the performance problems, the game itself is good enough for the content on offer and there will be more DLC coming in the future, further expanding the game’s already vast replay factor. Remnant II may not have been one of the best games of last year, but it certainly entertained and made its award nominations worthwhile, especially as one of the best multiplayer games of 2023 at The Game Awards, as well as being a good addition among action games.



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I have 25 years, I produce content to internet for 4 years and I like retro games, indies and I’m an enthusiast for new launches. I have as my favorite games Donkey Kong Country 2, Super Mario World, Hollow Knight and Red Dead Redemption II, per example. I like to experiment everything and the more, the better, but I never get sick of my comfort games!

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