GTA: The Trilogy

Netflix will add GTA: The Trilogy to its gaming catalog

Netflix is ​​the biggest when it comes to streaming series and films and they have been including video games in their catalog for some time now. While many people still don’t even know about this function of the platform, a great addition to the Netflix games catalog was announced, GTA: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition.

Officially released in 2021, the compilation features three games from the Grand Theft Auto franchise: GTA 3 (2001), GTA Vice City (2002) and GTA San Andreas (2004).

The three games will be available to Netflix subscribers, at no additional cost to their monthly subscription, together or separately, on iOS and Android devices from December 14th, both in the Netflix app and in mobile app stores.

GTA: The Trilogy arrives on Netflix in its remastered versions, with renewed graphics and controls optimized for mobile devices and the possibility of using Bluetooth control.

Subscribers interested in the compilation of games from the GTA franchise can now pre-register to download the games from the app stores on iOS and Android devices.

The Netflix game catalog

Netflix Games

The series and film streaming giant began offering video games to its subscribers in November 2021 and since then, despite its growing catalog, little has stood out and many people still don’t even know that the function exists.

With the arrival of GTA: The Trilogy, it is expected that Netflix‘s gaming section will become stronger and other major titles may arrive on the service in the near future.

Despite its low adoption, the Netflix games catalog has some titles, such as: Before Your Eyes, Dead Cells, Kentucky Route Zero, the Oxenfree franchise, Immortality, and Spiritfarer.

Already announced, expected to arrive next year, we have: Katana Zero, Death’s Door and Hades.

Oh hi there 👋

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