Meet the Streamer: Fezudu

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A guy who’s a bit quiet, but who’s always happy to welcome new friends and interact with anyone who comes along.
When did you start streaming?
I can’t remember the exact date, but I believe it was around 2015.
What made you decide to start your own streaming channel?
Thanks to the twitch livestreams I met many dear friends and special people. Watching the livestreams gave me the feeling that when I was a kid I used to get together at home with my school friends and watch or play games together.
Do you work outside your streaming channel? If yes, what is it that you do?
I work with digital painting, I even do artwork for some of our fellow Gamohol streamers like AlexandreGaara and Gabnattz, for example.
As an artist, do you find it hard to create art-related content/streams?
I like to say that art is made for everyone, but not everyone is made for art. And by that I don’t just mean digital drawings. Games, music, reading and many other things. I believe that all of them have a huge space within Streams and you’re sure to find someone who admires the same type of art that you produce and consume. So, I see that it’s not difficult to create this kind of content in a live stream, as long as it’s something you like.
Was your family supportive of your streaming career?
Coming from a very large family with a lot of people in more ordinary careers, I always felt out of place, especially because I was never someone who could absorb and learn well at school in subjects other than Arts, English and Science. My parents didn’t really understand how it worked to try and earn some money from my work as an artist and streamer, but they were supportive in their own way, so I have nothing to complain about.
What was the turning point for you that made you realize you could make money and possibly make a living out of streaming?
It was when I had the chance to start creating content for my art by streaming on Twitch, getting clients who came through the lives or even as a reward for some Subs and thanks to that I also got paid for the first time from Twitch, which I believe is a feeling of satisfaction for many after putting so much effort into lives, even with all the fees, it’s money that you’ve earned with your work and with the help of everyone who watches you.
Who are your biggest inspirations in the streamer community?
I’ve had so many streamers who have inspired me in many areas and others who have made me lose interest in following them, it’s just part of it, we’re bound to adapt and that will certainly bring and keep audiences away. Among those I follow, AlexandreGaara is a great inspiration to me, after all, he has a huge passion for games, for lives and he is genuine and honest in the things he says and plays, this makes me comfortable to follow a friend in which both outside and inside the live is the same person. I believe that people may come for the content, but they stay for the streamer. So it’s more important than anything else, whether it’s the game, a beautiful layout or prizes. It’s more important that your audience feels at ease and that your broadcast helps make their day better, and I see a lot of that in Alexandre.
What kind of games do you like to stream?
I have a very specific taste that is easily recognizable to anyone who has seen my streams. I love 2D platformers, especially games like Megaman, which I like to live stream without using the bosses’ weaknesses, so I let my audience decide the order in which I play the stages. I love roguelike/lite games, because as I get older and have less time to devote to games, I like to be able to do quick playthroughs, and the possibility of finishing a game in 1-2 hours and always having a different experience pleases me a lot.
I’m also passionate about card and board games, especially if I can play with my friends online.
Has your audience changed in any way what type of games you usually stream?
I don’t think so, but there have been a few occasions when I’ve tried out recommended games and they’ve really surprised me. But I’m a pretty fixed person when it comes to feeling good about streaming and playing what I like, I’m pretty honest about that. So, I tend to follow my own tastes and try to make what I’m playing as inviting as possible to my audience, whether it’s with trivia, tips on how to get past something or even indications of similar games.
Did any game surprise you during a livestream? For better or for worse?
There have been a few, yes, the most recent being Arzette The Jewell of Faramore, which takes the idea of Zelda CD-i and improves the gameplay and quality of life. It was such a fun and enjoyable game to play that I finished it in 2 lives, even got it 100%.
There were also some games that I didn’t like, but that’s okay, I gave my opinion and switched to another one. I often comment that I don’t like to rate games, I give my opinion based on taste, so a bad game for me is wonderful for someone else, which is why it’s so important to have this transparency between the streamer and the public.
What was the funniest, most entertaining game you’ve ever played on your channel?
Wow, there have been so many, I think one of the most entertaining was Project Planet – Earth vs Humanity where it’s a social game and I played with a group of friends and there was a lot of discussion and funny fights, and this clearly generates a lot of clips and funny moments.
What would you think is your greatest achievement as a streamer? Both personally and/or professionally?
I think one of the most important things is learning to deal with people and opening up more. At the beginning it’s very common for you to be more insecure and shy, I’m normally a very quiet person, but doing the lives helped me learn to interact better with the public, which leads me to interact better with customers online. So I see how much it has helped me grow even outside Twitch.
What were your biggest mistakes when you started streaming?
For me, since my primary focus is no longer streaming these days, it was trying to live stream every day, with a fixed schedule, I know that for many it’s the best way to work with streaming. But it doesn’t work for me, I have a busy life outside of live streaming, with my day-to-day life and my work as an illustrator. So having an extra obligation with twitch wasn’t doing me any good and it even affected the quality of the lives. I prefer to be more free and flexible, I want to bring my audience the feeling of watching a friend playing something they’re trying out for the first time or a game they like. So it’s healthier for both me and my audience.
What is your biggest goal as a streamer?
As a streamer, I believe that I can use live streams more as an aid to my reviewer work, I like to experience and write about games, to be able to share my opinion on a game that I especially liked, if I didn’t like it, I try to be as impartial as possible, because there may be someone who sees the analysis and feels curious to draw their own conclusions.
What tips can you give to starting streamers that you wish you had when you were starting out?
Don’t get frustrated at first, especially if you open and there are only a few people watching, even if it’s just one person there, you could be brightening their day, you could make them want to start doing something they enjoy as much as you’re doing it. But don’t let the live streams consume you, have a good balance between your schedules, your physical and mental health matter more than anything.
What can someone expect from your live stream when they find your channel for the first time? Tell us in a small paragraph (or two).
They’ll find a guy who’s a bit quiet, but who’s always happy to welcome new friends and interact with anyone who comes along. Possibly accompanied by other not-so-quiet friends on a call, I hope my content can brighten your day and give you a good laugh.