Meet the Streamer Alexandre Gaara

Meet the Streamer: Alexandre Gaara

Meet the Streamer Alexandre Gaara

Alexandre Gaara

Twitch | Twitter | Instagram | Reviews

A guy who likes to finish a lot of games and talk a lot about them. Not just the ones I like, but in general; after all, there will always be games that I haven’t had the chance to discover or play.

When did you start streaming?

September 2020, during the pandemic.

What made you decide to start your own streaming channel?

There were a few different factors.

I had recently completed my postgraduate degree, which was during the 2020 pandemic, which made it very difficult to get a job. And at the time, I was involved with Twitch, so under the influence of some friends (there were Streamers as well), I ended up deciding to start doing it too.

Both my personal friends and the friendships I met on Twitch have always praised my knowledge of games and the way I am critical about it, so I had the confidence to start.

Do you work outside your streaming channel?

At the Present, no. I’m 100% focused on Livestream and also studying to start creating videos for YouTube.

Was your family supportive of your streaming career?

Yes, and no. My father was very supportive, but he was still very worried about the future. The rest of my family members don’t understand how this content creation system works, so they only started to give support after it had generated some income.

What was the turning point for you that made you realise you could make money and possibly make a living out of streaming?

I believe that the positive feedback from the public regarding the quality of my content, whether Livestreams, or Reviews, gave me the confidence to try to follow this dream of making a living with what I love most: video games.

Did you feel any difficulties growing your channel because of the language barrier? We all know that English speaking streamers/content creators are the biggest in the world…

For sure. Unfortunately, I notice a great difficulty in achieving growth here in relation to several worldwide channels, not only through my channel but even through other content creators here.

Who are your biggest inspirations in the streamer community?

Certainly Mr. Wilson from “Colônia Contra Ataca” channel. He is my biggest inspiration for not giving up. I have always admired his passion for video games. I’ve been following him since 2015, when saw him on YouTube. And I created an account on Twitch to watch his livestreams, and I’ve been on Livestreams ever since.

Also, Cogu from “Cogumelando” Channel. A lot of how I organize my plans is inspired by how he prepares. I was fortunate enough to be able to talk directly to him about this, even receiving some tips from his own experience.

What type of games do you like to stream?

My favorite genre is hack’n’slash. I’m a big fan of fast-paced action games, so I have a lot of fun streaming them on live, especially the challenging ones!

There is a unique adrenaline rush when I’m in a challenging section and the audience goes wild together, almost as if they were taking part in the challenge with me.

And another genre that I really like to play is rhythm games, as the public loves listening to the different songs that play in the different games that show to them.

Did your audience change in any way what type of games you usually stream?

I do not think so. Because even though I only started with retro games, I always liked many different genres, so I decided that this would be my focus, so much so that when I migrated to varieties, I had a drop in viewing at the time, but I continued with what I liked regardless of the challenge.

Did any game surprise you during a livestream? For better or for worse?


A Space for the Unbound. An Indonesian Indie Game that I was fortunate to receive at the time of its release. How much he surprised and moved me is something I will never forget. It became my favorite Indie because I loved its story, pixel art, and gameplay so much. And I had all this experience on Livestream.

What was the funnier, most entertaining game you have ever played on your channel?

This one is easy; it was a Retro PS1 game: 70’s Robot Anime Geppy-X

It’s a Shoot ’em up game where you play practically an interactive anime with an opening, ending, and even a commercial, as if it were a real episode. But the coolest thing was that, as it was in Japanese, my friends and I (who were accompanying me on a call during the Livestream) had no idea of the plot and were theorizing about the story. It was very funny!

What would you think is your greatest achievement as a streamer? Both personally and/or professionally?

The biggest thing of all was certainly being able to receive games directly from different Publishers and Developers, to do Livestreams, and write Reviews.

Livestreams brought me the possibility of having a Partnership with Bandai Namco Brasil, which was practically one of my dreams come true, as I have always consumed a lot of Bandai games. After all, I have always been a big fan of anime, as you can imagine by my nickname, Gaara, hehe.

And being able to do Reviews for Gamohol is a unique experience too, as I can help other content creators with my knowledge from over 3 years on the channel.

What were your biggest mistakes when you started streaming?

Worrying too much about average current views. When you start, there’s no point in worrying about it. You need to focus on creating quality content above all else.

What is your biggest goal as a streamer?

Like most people, I want to be able to make a living from Content Creation.

What tips can you give to starting streamers that you wish you had when you were starting out?

Play or do whatever you want, as long as you have a minimum of love and affection for it. If you don’t focus on something you love and only focus on what you believe catches the audience’s attention, there will come a time when you won’t be able to bear the load.

What can someone expect from your live stream when they find your channel for the first time?

You’ll find a guy who likes to finish a lot of games and talk a lot about them. Not just the ones I like, but in general; after all, there will always be games that I haven’t had the chance to discover or play. Introduce me to new games and topics, and I’ll do the same for you! Everyone is always welcome with great respect and affection.


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